Know a lot about abacus mental arithmetic (speed calculation) D
At what age can you start learning abacus?
If your child can read and write 1 to 10, he or she can start as a toddler, usually 3 and a half years old or above. You are welcome to make an appointment for the math assessment test.
I think it would be better to use a computer to calculate, but what are the benefits of learning abacus mental arithmetic (speed arithmetic)?
Just like when you go to work/school, driving/hitting a car will definitely be 200% faster than walking on your own. Learning abacus mental arithmetic will definitely gain computing power in the process of continuous efforts step by step.
I heard that using an abacus can train the "right brain". Why?
In mental arithmetic, the right brain is called the artistic brain, and it uses the beads of the abacus to perform calculations. Therefore, the more you improve in mental arithmetic, the more your right brain is activated and trained.
The abacus is said to provide the foundation for learning, but what does this mean?
By continuing to learn abacus mental arithmetic, you will naturally acquire the basic skills of speed arithmetic and mental arithmetic, such as "independence", "sense of achievement", "concentration", "perseverance" and "desire".
Is it ok for kids who are not good with numbers and calculations?
Of course, your child can benefit more from abacus and mental arithmetic, a sport that develops the brain’s intellectual potential. This will eliminate your fear of numbers as your child will be using the abacus as a physical object and making calculations using shapes.
What kind of children is it suitable for?
No special conditions. Suitable for all adults from K2 to 13 years old or above, including students with special educational needs (SEN).
Is abacus something that can only be learned in Hong Kong?
In recent years, the learning effect of abacus has been highly praised by countries around the world, and it is now used in 108 countries around the world.
What types of certification exams are there?
Our Hong Kong Quick Arithmetic Association is currently conducting abacus exams, mental arithmetic exams, flash mental arithmetic exams, arithmetic challenge exams, mathematics and physics exams and the Stanford Binet International IQ Test. All certification exams are broken down into small steps from basic to advanced, giving learners a good target for improvement.
Should I take the certification exam?
You'll progress faster if you actively challenge yourself on your certification exams. Now that you're willing to practice for your certification exam, you're bound to improve. During practice, challenge yourself and develop perseverance.
There are no speed math classes near my home, can I take any classes online?
Yes, our Hong Kong Speed Calculation Association provides online speed calculation training courses, please register on whatsapp 64108146.
Can I still learn it as an adult?
sure. In recent years, more and more students are learning it as a form of "brain training" or "lifelong learning".