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Hong Kong's top speed calculator teaches you to become a mental arithmetic champion

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Hong Kong's only English version of math and science textbook, over 10,000 pages

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The only world-wide and Hong Kong officially recognized quick calculation institution, professional international rating examination first-level teachers

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Singapore CPA teaching method interactive teaching, close to the level of international competitions

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0 knowledge, no pressure, learn mathematics while having fun



Enroll Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Olympiad Thinking Certificate Training Course

Ray Sir@香港速算總會Hong Kong Mental Math Academy (珠心算 x 奧數) 1對1 選手級特訓 |珠心算 |大腦潛能啓發潛能課程 |資優兒童培訓專家 主要培訓地點:九龍塘 / 荔枝角 / 銅鑼灣 / 中環 Ray Sir@香港速算總會-世界珠算心算聯合會-珠心算數理證書技能班 師生比例:1:1 選手級特訓 , 1:2 至 1:4 半私人班培訓 名額常滿,先到先得,請即Whastapp 6410 8146登記留位,謝謝。


報讀成人珠心算 (速算) 導師培訓課程


Book The Mathematics Ability Assessment Test + First Session Now

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Book The Stanford-Binet IQ Test Now

Organized by Hong Kong Talent Development Association IQ/gift assessment, school recommendation letter, child’s resume, 8,000 Hong Kong dollars, we can help you get it done easily in one go A 30-minute written test with multiple-choice questions in both Chinese and English. The invigilator will also read out the test instructions and questions in Chinese and English. Children aged 4 or above can generally complete it successfully. Certificates will then be issued on the spot. Intelligence assessment of young children: Intelligence assessment of young children Suitable age: 4 years to 6 years 11 months Assessment items: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (Fifth Edition)...
